About NIAS

NIAS was inspired by a physical collective in which various businesses were housed in one old beautiful English Tutor. Each room housed a different business at an extremely underpriced rate. The variety of offerings was phenomenal! The Collective housed legal services, gourmet catering, African Art, cosmetics, custom clothing, an event space, a resale shop, and more. Our online presence as a collective will offer a wider variety of products and services offered by thousands of store owner-members.
NIAS memberships are obtained via referrals. We collaborate to market to this central site. Members have the opportunity to link to their other websites to further expand their customer client base. In this way, the collective promotes a collaborative environment that helps each member serve customers and clients around the world with high-quality products and services.
Our future is set to unify members for new possible investments and other collaborative efforts in which all will share in monetary benefits. Our collective synergy will expand our reach. The synergy created will continue to attract customers, clients, and new members. We are excited about the NIAS Collective endeavor. Additionally, we all look forward to a plethora of ideas, projects, and business opportunities to serve others locally, nationally, and internationally. Thank you for stopping by and please do, return repeatedly to experience the NIAS Collective and most of all, share your positive experience with others!.